Looking for a list of blog commenting sites list to improve your SEO? You’re in the right place.
As you know, blog commenting helps you build backlinks, drive traffic, and increase your online visibility. It’s a simple yet effective way to interact with other blogs, which should also help boost your search engine rankings.
However, it’s important to focus on instant approval blog commenting sites to save time and get quicker results and you know that these sites will make your off-page SEO more productive while improving your domain authority.
No worries, in this blog, I have shared a list of my own handpicked blog commenting websites that you can use to grow your website’s presence and gain valuable backlinks.
What is Blog Commenting?
As you know, blog commenting involves leaving a comment on blog posts to engage with the content and add your thoughts. These comments often include your name, email, and website link, which should help direct readers to your site.
If you don’t know then let me tell you that blog commenting websites play an important role in off-page SEO strategies. How? So, when you leave meaningful comments on high-quality blogs, you’re not just participating in the discussion but also creating backlinks for your website.
However, it’s important to ensure your comments add value to the discussion. Thoughtful and relevant comments make it more likely that the blog owner approves your link, making the process both productive and rewarding.
Blogging, SEO, Digital Marketing Blog
Sr. No | Sites List | DA | PA |
1 | https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog | 90 | 53 |
2 | https://neilpatel.com/blog | 90 | 59 |
3 | https://yoast.com/seo-blog | 83 | 54 |
4 | https://problogger.com/blog | 81 | 44 |
5 | https://copyblogger.com/blog | 81 | 56 |
6 | https://www.shoutmeloud.com/blog | 76 | 39 |
7 | https://backlinko.com/blog | 74 | 62 |
8 | https://www.quicksprout.com | 73 | 59 |
9 | https://wptavern.com | 63 | 56 |
10 | https://www.junglescout.com/blog | 62 | 33 |
11 | https://www.smartpassiveincome.com/blog | 61 | 45 |
12 | https://smartblogger.com/blog | 61 | 39 |
13 | https://johnchow.com/blog | 58 | 38 |
14 | https://www.advancedwebranking.com/blog | 56 | 33 |
15 | https://bloggingtips.com | 54 | 55 |
16 | https://www.seo.com/blog | 54 | 44 |
17 | https://www.wpbeaverbuilder.com/blog | 51 | 33 |
18 | https://www.nichepursuits.com | 51 | 54 |
19 | https://yaro.blog/blog | 48 | 28 |
20 | https://growmap.com | 47 | 52 |
21 | https://www.robbierichards.com | 45 | 46 |
22 | https://thirstyaffiliates.com/blog | 43 | 41 |
23 | https://inspiretothrive.com/blog | 42 | 33 |
24 | https://www.wpressblog.com/blog | 32 | 24 |
25 | https://blogheist.com/blog | 31 | 28 |
Education Blog Commenting Sites List
Sr. No | Education Blog Comment Sites | DA | PA |
1 | https://ehs.mit.edu | 93 | 61 |
2 | https://writing.wisc.edu | 92 | 62 |
3 | https://sites.psu.edu | 92 | 64 |
4 | https://cal.msu.edu | 90 | 58 |
5 | https://blog.iese.edu | 71 | 50 |
6 | https://smartbitchestrashybooks.com | 62 | 57 |
7 | https://www.thebooksmugglers.com | 56 | 54 |
8 | https://modernmrsdarcy.com | 56 | 56 |
9 | https://brevitymag.com | 48 | 48 |
Business Blog Commenting Sites
Sr. No | Business Blog Comment | DA | PA |
1 | https://www.shopify.com/blog | 94 | 65 |
2 | https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/insights | 93 | 56 |
3 | https://hbr.org | 92 | 76 |
4 | https://www.entrepreneur.com/latest | 92 | 52 |
5 | https://www.businessinsider.in | 90 | 59 |
6 | https://smallbiztrends.com | 86 | 67 |
7 | https://www.blackenterprise.com/business | 82 | 36 |
8 | https://problogger.com/blog | 81 | 44 |
9 | https://seths.blog | 80 | 62 |
10 | https://www.allbusiness.com | 79 | 58 |
11 | https://www.businessnewsdaily.com | 79 | 60 |
12 | https://www.helpscout.com/blog | 77 | 40 |
13 | https://www.springwise.com | 77 | 56 |
14 | https://tim.blog | 76 | 63 |
15 | https://www.zenbusiness.com | 71 | 55 |
16 | https://www.practicalecommerce.com | 70 | 55 |
17 | https://www.businesspundit.com | 64 | 53 |
18 | https://trak.in/stories | 62 | 37 |
19 | https://www.smartpassiveincome.com/blog | 61 | 45 |
20 | https://blog.hubstaff.com | 61 | 52 |
21 | https://foundr.com/articles | 60 | 48 |
22 | https://www.gapingvoid.com/blog | 59 | 39 |
23 | https://www.insightly.com/blog | 58 | 30 |
24 | https://www.eofire.com/blog | 55 | 32 |
25 | https://www.scnsoft.com/blog | 54 | 38 |
26 | https://www.saleshacker.com | 53 | 52 |
27 | https://www.noobpreneur.com/blog | 52 | 31 |
28 | https://www.n2growth.com/blog | 52 | 34 |
29 | https://mikemichalowicz.com/blog | 50 | 33 |
30 | https://www.leadfuze.com/blog | 49 | 29 |
31 | https://deniseleeyohn.com/bites-brand-your-business-briefs | 48 | 27 |
32 | https://growmap.com | 47 | 52 |
33 | https://blog.gembaacademy.com | 45 | 44 |
34 | https://www.greatleadershipbydan.com | 45 | 43 |
35 | https://www.adrianswinscoe.com | 44 | 41 |
36 | https://www.fmlainsights.com | 43 | 38 |
37 | https://www.davechaffey.com | 40 | 45 |
38 | https://www.globalsmallbusinessblog.com | 39 | 34 |
39 | https://coolerinsights.com/articles | 38 | 27 |
Other Blog Commenting Sites
Sr. No. | Commenting Sites | DA | PA |
1 | blogs.adobe.com | 96 | 73 |
2 | www.androidauthority.com | 91 | 62 |
3 | www.hostgator.com | 90 | 70 |
4 | elegantthemes.com | 90 | 71 |
5 | neilpatel.com | 90 | 70 |
6 | moz.com | 90 | 75 |
7 | bufferapp.com | 87 | 68 |
8 | visual.ly | 87 | 72 |
9 | www.semrush.com | 86 | 70 |
10 | beebom.com | 85 | 60 |
11 | yoast.com | 83 | 70 |
12 | onemileatatime.boardingarea.com | 83 | 58 |
13 | fashionista.com | 83 | 66 |
14 | www.copyblogger.com | 81 | 64 |
15 | www.seroundtable.com | 80 | 57 |
16 | www.manrepeller.com | 78 | 56 |
17 | www.thesartorialist.com | 78 | 60 |
18 | www.marketingcharts.com | 78 | 57 |
19 | www.gofugyourself.com | 77 | 59 |
20 | www.shoutmeloud.com | 76 | 57 |
21 | noupe.com | 76 | 56 |
22 | www.toprankblog.com | 75 | 54 |
23 | backlinko.com | 74 | 67 |
24 | www.nomadicmatt.com | 74 | 57 |
25 | justcreative.com | 72 | 58 |
26 | www.songofstyle.com | 72 | 54 |
27 | www.stonetemple.com | 72 | 47 |
28 | unbounce.com | 71 | 67 |
29 | gca.blogs.ie.edu | 71 | 44 |
30 | www.travelblog.org | 71 | 56 |
31 | www.theblondesalad.com | 70 | 62 |
32 | www.blogengage.com | 69 | 53 |
33 | www.businessesgrow.com | 67 | 54 |
34 | www.quickonlinetips.com | 67 | 51 |
35 | www.adventurouskate.com | 66 | 52 |
36 | www.techclient.com | 66 | 50 |
37 | www.blogherald.com | 66 | 52 |
38 | www.dailyblogtips.com | 65 | 55 |
39 | www.techykeeday.com | 65 | 47 |
40 | theplanetd.com | 64 | 59 |
41 | expertvagabond.com | 63 | 58 |
42 | wptavern.com | 63 | 56 |
43 | www.internetmarketingninjas.com | 63 | 51 |
44 | www.johnnyjet.com | 63 | 54 |
45 | www.malleeblue.com | 63 | 49 |
46 | managewp.com | 62 | 58 |
47 | cmsprod.fhsu.edu | 62 | 40 |
48 | improvephotography.com | 62 | 55 |
49 | trak.in | 62 | 58 |
50 | www.blogarama.com | 62 | 59 |
51 | www.portent.com | 62 | 53 |
52 | bloggersideas.com | 62 | 52 |
53 | www.worldblaze.in | 62 | 48 |
54 | stylebubble.co.uk | 62 | 54 |
55 | www.smartpassiveincome.com | 61 | 58 |
56 | smartblogger.com | 61 | 58 |
57 | handluggageonly.co.uk | 61 | 56 |
58 | www.yogaworks.com | 61 | 51 |
59 | outoftownblog.com | 61 | 53 |
60 | girlwithcurves.com | 61 | 54 |
61 | theblondeabroad.com | 60 | 57 |
62 | woorkup.com | 60 | 53 |
63 | www.aluxurytravelblog.com | 60 | 51 |
64 | blog.typeracer.com | 59 | 45 |
65 | www.thebrokebackpacker.com | 59 | 54 |
66 | www.vandelaydesign.com | 59 | 55 |
67 | www.extrapetite.com | 59 | 53 |
68 | www.bemytravelmuse.com | 59 | 51 |
69 | everything-everywhere.com | 59 | 56 |
70 | buildfire.com | 58 | 58 |
71 | migrationology.com | 58 | 56 |
72 | galmeetsglam.com | 58 | 58 |
73 | www.johnchow.com | 58 | 55 |
74 | www.sitepronews.com | 58 | 53 |
75 | ryanholiday.net | 58 | 56 |
76 | iamaileen.com | 58 | 56 |
77 | www.techjeny.org | 58 | 46 |
78 | www.feedster.com | 58 | 53 |
79 | www.sistrix.com | 57 | 52 |
80 | thewritelife.com | 57 | 56 |
81 | localadventurer.com | 57 | 57 |
82 | travelsofadam.com | 57 | 52 |
83 | heartifb.com | 57 | 58 |
84 | www.slidescarnival.com | 56 | 52 |
85 | www.goatsontheroad.com | 56 | 52 |
86 | www.bruceclay.com | 56 | 53 |
87 | californiathroughmylens.com | 56 | 53 |
88 | travelcodex.com | 56 | 50 |
89 | joaoleitao.com | 56 | 51 |
90 | www.branded3.com | 56 | 44 |
91 | enstinemuki.com | 56 | 52 |
92 | wpnewsify.com | 56 | 49 |
93 | sincerelyjules.com | 56 | 61 |
94 | firstsiteguide.com | 55 | 57 |
95 | thesavvybackpacker.com | 55 | 54 |
96 | socialtriggers.com | 55 | 56 |
97 | www.ourawesomeplanet.com | 55 | 46 |
98 | www.shoemoney.com | 55 | 52 |
99 | becauseimaddicted.net | 55 | 58 |
100 | www.matthewwoodward.co.uk | 54 | 52 |
101 | www.reliablesoft.net | 54 | 52 |
102 | Cognitiveseo.com | 54 | 57 |
103 | www.seo.com | 54 | 68 |
104 | www.chasingthedonkey.com | 54 | 51 |
105 | www.sparringmind.com | 54 | 46 |
106 | bloggingtips.com | 54 | 55 |
107 | travelmamas.com | 54 | 54 |
108 | empireflippers.com | 53 | 56 |
109 | www.dangerous-business.com | 53 | 50 |
110 | komarketing.com | 53 | 52 |
111 | the-atlantic-pacific.com | 53 | 50 |
112 | the-shooting-star.com | 53 | 50 |
113 | www.wendyslookbook.com | 53 | 54 |
114 | solutionfall.com | 53 | 42 |
115 | bloggingwizard.com | 52 | 56 |
116 | ninjaoutreach.com | 52 | 57 |
117 | expresswriters.com | 52 | 53 |
118 | www.thepoortraveler.net | 52 | 52 |
119 | www.linkresearchtools.com | 52 | 50 |
120 | maximizesocialbusiness.com | 52 | 45 |
121 | www.busybudgeter.com | 52 | 51 |
122 | 3boysandadog.com | 52 | 56 |
123 | www.notjessfashion.com | 52 | 55 |
124 | bucketlistjourney.net | 51 | 54 |
125 | www.ngdata.com | 51 | 47 |
126 | www.techwyse.com | 51 | 50 |
127 | www.seoclarity.net | 51 | 50 |
128 | performancing.com | 51 | 57 |
129 | hostdime.com | 50 | 50 |
130 | blog.v7n.com | 50 | 46 |
131 | www.cheapestdestinationsblog.com | 50 | 46 |
132 | www.hellofashionblog.com | 50 | 51 |
133 | blog.internshala.com | 49 | 48 |
134 | competethemes.com | 49 | 55 |
135 | hippie-inheels.com | 49 | 51 |
136 | amylynnandrews.com | 49 | 49 |
137 | www.indietraveller.co | 49 | 49 |
138 | www.southerncurlsandpearls.com | 49 | 49 |
139 | wpmayor.com | 48 | 52 |
140 | nerdnomads.com | 48 | 47 |
141 | www.lilachbullock.com | 48 | 47 |
142 | kikolani.com | 48 | 52 |
143 | www.thelongestwayhome.com | 48 | 47 |
144 | bloggerspassion.com | 47 | 55 |
145 | trafficgenerationcafe.com | 47 | 48 |
146 | growmap.com | 47 | 52 |
147 | www.premiumwp.com | 47 | 48 |
148 | ivetriedthat.com | 47 | 48 |
149 | www.pinoyadventurista.com | 47 | 47 |
150 | we3travel.com | 47 | 50 |
151 | unamo.com | 46 | 47 |
152 | www.bloggingbasics101.com | 46 | 47 |
153 | kaiserthesage.com | 46 | 49 |
154 | www.pointswithacrew.com | 46 | 50 |
155 | travelwithbender.com | 46 | 53 |
156 | tipsforfamilytrips.com | 46 | 48 |
157 | www.vuelio.com | 46 | 49 |
158 | www.the-frugality.com | 46 | 47 |
159 | nichehacks.com | 45 | 51 |
160 | bloggertipstricks.com | 45 | 41 |
161 | www.gotchseo.com | 45 | 48 |
162 | successfulblogging.com | 45 | 44 |
163 | thevivaluxury.com | 45 | 51 |
164 | www.wpthemedetector.com | 44 | 47 |
165 | www.wheressharon.com | 44 | 47 |
166 | madlemmings.com | 44 | 46 |
167 | thegoldengirlblog.com | 44 | 49 |
168 | 9to5chic.com | 44 | 51 |
169 | www.kendieveryday.com | 44 | 49 |
170 | www.becomeablogger.com | 44 | 44 |
171 | www.brooklynblonde.com | 44 | 51 |
172 | www.fashionmenow.co.uk | 44 | 48 |
173 | www.inditales.com | 43 | 45 |
174 | www.wpsitecare.com | 43 | 45 |
175 | styleyoursenses.com | 42 | 48 |
176 | www.seoblog.com | 42 | 50 |
177 | basicblogtips.com | 42 | 50 |
178 | lakshmisharath.com | 42 | 46 |
179 | blog.smude.edu.in | 41 | 40 |
180 | www.zepo.in | 41 | 47 |
181 | www.socialbeat.in | 41 | 44 |
182 | 85ideas.com | 41 | 52 |
183 | thetravelsisters.com | 41 | 45 |
184 | www.mondovo.com | 40 | 48 |
185 | techindroid.com | 40 | 50 |
186 | www.bloggingfromparadise.com | 40 | 50 |
187 | www.onlinemediamasters.com | 39 | 49 |
188 | www.trickyenough.com | 39 | 49 |
189 | www.updateland.com | 39 | 50 |
190 | toeuropeandbeyond.com | 38 | 45 |
191 | www.shalusharma.com | 38 | 44 |
192 | www.brainstormforce.com | 37 | 51 |
193 | cloudliving.com | 37 | 40 |
194 | online-metrics.com | 37 | 47 |
195 | wpeka.com | 37 | 48 |
196 | devilonwheels.com | 37 | 48 |
197 | www.iftiseo.com | 37 | 42 |
198 | bitsofpositivity.com | 37 | 49 |
199 | www.digitalgyd.com | 37 | 47 |
200 | www.afteroffers.com | 36 | 42 |
201 | www.itechfever.com | 36 | 45 |
202 | www.logodesignteam.com | 36 | 45 |
203 | www.gobloggingtips.com | 35 | 35 |
204 | www.ashiktricks.com | 35 | 40 |
205 | www.searchcommander.com | 35 | 42 |
206 | www.zizics.com | 35 | 39 |
207 | rapidboostmarketing.com | 34 | 46 |
208 | www.stemjar.com | 33 | 43 |
209 | www.digitalseoguide.com | 32 | 42 |
210 | www.myquickidea.com | 31 | 41 |
211 | aspengrovestudios.com | 30 | 49 |
212 | hightechbuzz.net | 30 | 44 |
213 | www.latestseotutorial.com | 29 | 41 |
214 | eternia.xooit.com | 27 | 31 |
215 | technumero.com | 27 | 46 |
216 | trafficcrow.com | 27 | 45 |
217 | www.blog.weekendthrill.com | 26 | 36 |
218 | www.digilearnings.com | 26 | 38 |
219 | www.indiatravelblog.com | 26 | 40 |
220 | www.seofreetips.net | 25 | 36 |
221 | www.internetmarketinggym.com | 23 | 37 |
222 | rustyblogger.com | 22 | 35 |
223 | seosagar.com | 20 | 38 |
224 | poweraffiliateclub.com | 19 | 32 |
225 | www.igniteengineers.com | 18 | 33 |
226 | www.ewebtip.com | 17 | 38 |
227 | www.bloggingscoops.com | 15 | 34 |
228 | www.technically-speaking.org | 13 | 33 |
229 | www.uxwebexperts.com | 5 | 17 |
Benefits of Blog Commenting
As you know, free blog commenting sites can be a simple and effective way to improve your website’s performance in multiple areas. Here are some of the key benefits:
Build Backlinks
When you comment on blogs, you usually include a link to your website right. These links should help improve your website’s authority, especially if the blog you’re commenting on has a high Domain Authority (DA).
Boost Referral Traffic
Every time someone clicks on your link through a comment, they are directed to your website. This should also increase your referral traffic. By targeting blogs that align with your niche, you’ll attract visitors who are genuinely interested in your content or services.
Increase Online Visibility
Consistently commenting on popular blogs increases your exposure. Your website link becomes visible to the blog owner and their readers, which should also lead to more people discovering your site.
Networking Opportunities
Blog commenting isn’t just about SEO, it’s also about building relationships. By engaging in meaningful discussions, you connect with blog owners, industry experts, and other readers. This should help you establish a stronger network and open up opportunities for collaborations, guest posts, or partnerships.
Establish Authority in Your Niche
When your comments add value to the conversation, people start seeing you as an expert in your field. Over time, this should build trust and credibility, making it easier for you to attract more visitors and grow your brand.
How to Write a Blog Comment That Gets Approved
If you want your comments to be approved on blog commenting sites list, you should focus on making them meaningful and relevant.
Blog owners are more likely to approve comments that add value to their content rather than spammy or generic ones.
Here are some simple guidelines to help you craft comments that stand out:
Guidelines for Writing Good Blog Comments
- Read the Blog Post Carefully: Make sure you understand the content before commenting. This should help you write something relevant and thoughtful.
- Address the Blog Author Directly: Use the author’s name (if mentioned) or address the topic directly to make your comment more personalized.
- Add Value to the Conversation: Share your perspective, ask a question, or provide additional information related to the post.
- Avoid Over-Promoting Yourself: Focus on the discussion rather than blatantly promoting your website.
- Be Polite and Professional: Use a friendly tone and avoid controversial or negative remarks.
Here is an example of good comment and bad example:
Good Comment:
“Thanks for this informative post, [Author’s Name]. I found your tips on keyword research particularly helpful. I’ve been experimenting with long-tail keywords on my blog, and I’ve seen an increase in organic traffic. Do you have any advice on finding trending keywords in a specific niche?”
Bad Comment:
“Great post! Check out my site for SEO tips: [link]”
Mistakes to Avoid While Blog Commenting
Blog commenting is an effective strategy, but there are common mistakes that you should avoid to ensure your efforts don’t go to waste. These mistakes can lead to your comments being flagged as spam or even harm your website’s SEO. Here’s what to watch out for:
Leaving Generic or Spammy Comments
Comments like “Great post!” or “Thanks for sharing!” don’t add any value and often get ignored or deleted. You should always write comments that are specific to the blog content and contribute to the conversation.
Using Irrelevant Links
Adding links that have nothing to do with the blog topic is one of the quickest ways to get your comment rejected. Ensure your link is relevant and adds value to the readers.
Overusing Keywords
While adding keywords can help, stuffing them unnaturally into your comment makes it look spammy. Use them sparingly and in a way that feels natural.
Ignoring the Blog’s Commenting Guidelines
Some blogs have specific rules for commenting, like avoiding self-promotion or limiting the number of links. Not following these guidelines can get your comments disapproved.
Posting Too Quickly or Without Reading
Taking time to read the blog post and understand its context is essential. Comments that seem rushed or out of place will likely be dismissed.
How to Find Relevant Blogs for Commenting?
Finding the right blogs for commenting is a crucial step in making this strategy work. You should focus on blogs that are related to your niche, have active discussions, and accept comments with backlinks.
Here’s how you can easily find relevant blog commenting websites:
Use Search Operators
Search operators are a simple and effective way to discover niche-specific blogs that allow commenting. Here are some examples you can use:
- “Your Niche” + “leave a comment”
- “Your Niche” + “powered by WordPress”
- “Your Niche” + “blog comments”
How to Use Blog Commenting Websites Effectively
Using instant approval blog commenting sites can be a quick and efficient way to improve your SEO, but you should follow a proper approach to make the most out of it. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you leverage these websites effectively:
Find the Right Blog Commenting Sites
Start by selecting blogs that align with your niche. Use search operators or tools like DropMyLink to discover blogs that accept comments and have instant approval options.
Read the Blog Post Thoroughly
Before leaving a comment, take time to read and understand the blog post. This ensures your comment is relevant and adds value to the discussion. A well-thought-out comment is more likely to be approved.
Craft Meaningful Comments
Your comment should address the content of the post directly. You can:
- Share an insight or experience related to the topic.
- Ask a thoughtful question.
- Compliment specific points made in the post. This approach makes your comment look genuine and engaging.
Include a Relevant Link
Add a link to your website, but only if it’s relevant to the discussion. Make sure it fits naturally within your comment. Avoid using links excessively, as it might appear spammy.
Use Your Real Name
Always use your actual name while commenting. This builds trust with the blog owner and other readers. Avoid using keywords as your name, it looks unprofessional and spammy.
Be Consistent
Commenting on a single blog post won’t yield much benefit. You should aim to comment consistently on multiple blogs within your niche. Over time, this helps build backlinks and boosts visibility.
Final Thoughts
Using a well-researched blog commenting sites list can be a powerful way to boost your SEO in 2025. By leveraging these sites, you should be able to build high-quality backlinks, drive referral traffic, and enhance your online visibility.
However, as I’ve shared throughout this blog, the key to success lies in doing it right. Use the list provided in this blog to start building valuable backlinks and engaging with other blogs in your niche.
Yes, blog commenting can still be an effective part of your off-page SEO strategy. When you use high-quality and instant approval blog commenting sites, you can build valuable backlinks, drive referral traffic, and improve your website’s visibility. However, the key is to focus on relevant and high-authority blogs while avoiding spammy practices.
These are blogs that approve comments automatically without manual moderation. They are useful for quickly gaining backlinks and traffic, but you should ensure your comments are meaningful and not spammy.